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Scotch of the month Club

Well , you’ve come to the right place.

With “Scotch of the Month Club” you can join your fellow scotch and whiskey lovers discussing and enjoying scotch. 

Members of Scotch of the month club get:

  • A recommended Scotch Whiskey every month.
  • A “The Scotch Kit” filled with Goodies every month.
  • Empirical data on Scotch.
  • Learn all about Scotch’s incredible history.
  • Talk Scotch.
  • Deals on Scotch Products.
  • A chance TO WIN the “Great Scotch Tour”.
  • Find a scotch club near you.

Win A Tour OF Scotland

When we get to a healthy membership level we will be hold a drawing for a Customized Package tour of Scotland that will remember for a lifetime.

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Join our “once a month” newsletter for deals, up-to-date news, highlight from our members and maybe learn something you didn’t know.

Scotch Talk Newsletter